The collection boxes are now at Jempsons for the residents to pay £2 and have a giant personalised poppy placed in the Wadhurst Garden of remembrance, for D...
Uplands Academy Tree Removal FAQ’s
We are receiving a lot of questions about tree removal to the front of Uplands Academy, and we hope the following FAQ’s help further clarify the situation and any confusion over the involvement of...
Uplands Academy Frontage – tree removal
We are receiving a lot of communication about tree removal to the front of Uplands Academy, and we hope the following clarifies any confusion over the involvement of the WPC in the Academy’s...
Links to Wadhurst Neighbourhood Plan Referendum documents
The link below is where you will find all the referendum documents and historical information about the Wadhurst Neighbourhood Plan Click the link below for more information Neighbourhood Planning...
Wadhusrt Neighbourhood Plan Referendum 02 May 2024
Wadhurst Neighbourhood Plan...
Wadhurst Neighbourhood Plan Drop-in Session 18th April at the Pavillion.
Wadhurst Parish Council Full Council Agenda 4th April 2024
2024-04-07 APRIL full council...
Are you worried about Uplands Academy closing Years 12 and 13?
Dear current and future parents, carers, and pupils of Uplands Academy and all Wadhurst residents The Wadhurst Parish Council (WPC) have been contacted by the public concerned that Uplands...
Storm Ciaran
Storm Ciaran Before the storm Secure loose objects such as ladders, garden furniture or anything else that could be blown into windows and other glazing and break them Close and securely...
Street Furniture Painting
This is to notify residents and businesses that the parish council have arranged for the street furniture to be repainted. The works starts on Monday 17th July. The Lengthsman has taken down the...