CLOSED – Neighbourhood Plan May 2023 Update – Regulation 15 CLOSED

CLOSED – Neighbourhood Plan May 2023 Update – Regulation 15 CLOSED

Neighbourhood Plan

We received a decision notice from WDC stating that we comply with Regulation 15. On June 5th 2023, WDC will begin a Regulation 16 consultation that will last until July 17th 2023. WDC will send out leaflets to all households in Wadhurst, and the NPSG will assist in providing hard copies of the draft plan to specific locations and putting up posters around the village. Residents can learn more by following WDC on social media or signing up for alerts on their website. Our WPC website and social media will also be updated with information. The next step is for an inspector to be appointed through a WDC request to NPIERS, and the NPSG has been asked to provide any special requests for this process, such as AONB/rural experience.

WDC’s consultation portal will open at 9am on Monday 5th June 2023, when the Neighbourhood Planning page on their website will also be updated: