General News
DWP Job centre plus drop in sessions – Hailsham
Job centre plus staff are available for drop in’s every Monday between 9am-12.30pm & 1.30pm-3pm at Wealden District Council, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham.
WDC Drop in Benefits Day – Thursday 20 July 2023, 12pm – 5pm, Hailsham.
Are you missing out on additional financial support?
For example:
- if you have a low income you may be able to get a reduction on your Council Tax charge
- if you are unable to work full time due to a health condition you may be entitled to a state benefit
- if you are in receipt of certain state benefits, you may be able to get help with some NHS costs such as eye tests or prescriptions
The Benefits Service are holding a Drop In Day at James West Community Centre, Brunel Drive, Hailsham, BN27 3FY.
Thursday 20 July 2023, 12pm – 5pm
No appointment needed, Wealden District Council Benefits Service as well as other services and organisations will be on hand to give advice and answer questions about what may be available to you and to ensure you are claiming the financial support you are entitled to and more.
East Sussex Community Information Service
A directory of local services, activities and organisations in your local area. For more information and to add your local organisation or service, please go to
As the local Voluntary Action, 3VA provide a wide range of development support to groups working across Wealden District – from Birling Gap, Polegate and Hailsham to Uckfield and Crowborough in the High Weald. Their focus is asset-based community development. 3VA can work with you on a range of areas, including setting up a new group, choosing the right structure, identifying funding opportunities and applying for them, developing policies, managing projects, recruit and retain volunteers and much more.
For more information about 3VA and their community networks, please go to:
General Funds
Sussex Community Foundation – Funding Q&A sessions and General Awards
Register via Eventbrite for the Thursday 27th July 10:30am-12pm event at
Join Sussex Community Foundation for a Funding Advice Session & Q&A.
We’re hosting another online opportunity to hear directly from us about our grants and how to submit a strong application. You’ll also have a chance to put forward your questions to our Grants Team and share funding and project ideas.
This event is particularly aimed at organisations who are new to applying to the Foundation, are yet to receive a grant from us, or may have applied unsuccessfully in the past. We will also be offering one-to-one support following the session, for those needing additional advice.
Our General Awards are open to applications. We have three main rounds of grant-giving each year. Upcoming deadlines for applications (unless specified otherwise) is 5:00pm (1700 hours) as follows:
Friday 8th September 2023 (Decisions November 2023)
Our grants programme is made up of a range of funds which help to address disadvantage and deprivation and build resilience in Sussex communities. Grants of up to £10,000 are available. We are particularly keen to support grassroots community groups and small-to-medium sized voluntary organisations. Please note our general funds cannot support small contributions to large capital appeals or campaigns. General round grants are available to cover a range of core and project costs including support for work planned in response to the pandemic.
ESCC Social Value Marketplace:
The Wealden Procurement team wish to have as many requests as possible on the marketplace by Friday 15th September to work with our contractor timescales.
The Social Value Marketplace created by East Sussex County Council is designed to enable the community, voluntary, faith, public and business sectors to work together to maximise resources in order to improve health and wellbeing, economic prosperity and the environment across East Sussex.
The Marketplace tool is a website that connects community and voluntary groups and the commercial sector, ensuring that the local need is understood and contributions from commercial entities can match that demand.
- Voluntary Organisations, Community Groups and Charities can create an account and upload request for resource, for example:
- Looking for 5 new laptops
- Looking for extra 10 volunteers a month
- Looking for some office equipment
- Seeking a financial contribution to deliver a service or project to benefit the community.
- We are looking for temporary storage space for an upcoming event
- The Suppliers can upload offers they have, for example:
- We have refurbished IT equipment – including Laptops
- As part of our employment policy, we offer 1 full day volunteering for every member of staff.
- We have office space – 4 desks with IT set up – not being used for the foreseeable future does anyone want to use it? Alongside this we also have excess office equipment if any furniture is required?
- We have some storage that we don’t need – anyone need space?
- We wish to make a financial contribution to support a good cause in the local area.
The Suppliers who have created accounts can also offer their services in direct response to any requests.
The Voluntary Organisations, Community Groups or Charities can then approach those businesses and request their offer directly.
The benefits of this are:
- It allows Voluntary Organisations, Community Groups or Charities to make known their exact requirements
- It allows Suppliers to ensure the social value they create in an area matches the need of Voluntary Organisations, Community Groups or Charities.
- It allows Voluntary Organisations, Community Groups or Charities to take up offers that perhaps they didn’t know they could ask for.
- The “Case Studies” tab on the website also provides details of successful projects carried out via the website.
All of this will take the guess work out of social value and will help businesses that tender for Local authority contracts, ensure they add value to an area or specific contract requirement, based on live highlighted needs. In addition to this, local businesses who are not involved in any of our contracts will still be able to access the platform to view organisations needs.
How to Sign up
Follow this link to sign up to the Social Value Marketplace: East Sussex County Council (
You will need the following information:
- Organisation name
- Your first and last name
- Organisation email address
- Create a password
Please note you only need to set up one profile for each organisation, but you can have multiple user accounts for each organisation profile.
Once signed up, you can then complete your organisations profile and you can start adding “Offers” and “Requests”.
Full guidance can be found here: Social Value About – Guidance (
Link to the social value marketplace:
Wealden Community Lottery
Ticket sales for Wealden’s first Community Lottery is now live!
The Wealden Community Lottery offers an additional method of raising funds for local organisations that give so much to the community. Organisations who deliver activities and services for the Wealden Community can sign up to the Wealden Community Lottery.
A generous 50% of the ticket proceeds from the Wealden lottery will go to charities, voluntary organisations, sports clubs, parish councils, residents associations and other not-for-profit groups with the remainder being put towards a central fund, prizes, operating costs and VAT. Tickets will cost £1.
To date we are selling 1700 tickets a week and currently have over 70 good causes benefitting from raising funds on the platform.
Wealden’s Community Lottery website is live:
Opportunity to raise funds for your local organisation with Wealden Community Lottery
- Between April – June 2023, Wealden’s Community Lottery has had 14 live draws, 449 lucky winners, has more than 69 good causes sign up and has raised a total of £13,516.80 for good causes and the central fund.
- Organisations selling approximately 50 tickets a week raise £100 a month and approx., £1,200 a year.
- Join over 70 good causes in our area raising funds every month with Wealden Community Lottery.
- Good causes include: Charities, Community groups, Sports Clubs, Residents Associations, Community Interest Companies, Village Halls, Town and Parish Councils, ‘Friends of’ Churches, Parent Teacher Association’s and more.
- It’s FREE for your organisation to join and you receive 50p from every ticket you sell via your page on our website.
- Each ticket costs £1 a week and the draw takes place every Saturday at 8 pm.
- All you need to do is market the lottery to your supporters. You’ll even be provided with marketing materials to help get you started.
- Applying is easy – it’s all done online and takes a few minutes.
- Full terms and conditions are on our website.
Crowdfunder gives local organisations the opportunity to raise money and potentially match fund against external funding pots in just 6 weeks. Pots to match fund against through Crowdfunder currently includes:
- BA Better World Community Fund – Up to £15,000 to support communities to create a better world by putting sustainability at the heart of what they do.
- Aviva Community Fund – Supporting projects that boost the resilience of communities (Max £50,000).
- Mortgage Advice Bureau Foundation – Get up to £5,000 for your sustainable community based project.
- Sport England: Active Together – Funding for keeping communities physically active (max £10,000).
- Sport England: Places & Spaces – Up to £10,000 to improve your Place or Space and keep your community physically active.
- Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund – Up to £5,000 to support projects to protect and restore nature in their communities. Whether you’re working together to plant community gardens, support local wildlife or anything else you do to help nature near you, they will give you £2 for every £1 you raise, to help your project reach its fundraising target quicker.
For further information, feel free to contact or to sign up on one of the hourly introduction sessions to crowdfunder–london/crowdfunder/?page=1
Crowdfunder website:
National Awards for All
Application deadline: Ongoing. Apply at least 12 weeks before you want to start the activities or spend any of the money.
Grants are available for charities, voluntary groups, schools and local authorities in England to carry out projects that will improve their local community.
Maximum value: £ 10,000
Objectives of Fund: National Lottery Awards for All is a small grants programme provided by the National Lottery Community Fund.
The funding is intended for projects that support communities to thrive by:
- Building strong relationships in and across communities.
- Improving the places and spaces that matter to communities.
- Helping more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage.
- Supporting people, communities and organisations that are facing increased demands and challenges as a direct result of the cost-of-living crisis.
Who Can Apply
Applications are accepted from:
- Voluntary and community organisations.
- Constituted groups and clubs.
- Registered charities.
- Charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs).
- Not-for-profit companies.
- Community interest companies (CICs).
- Schools (for projects that benefit and involve the communities around the school).
- Statutory bodies (including local authorities, town, parish and community council).
- Community benefit societies.
To note, The National Lottery has a number of funds that are currently open for local groups to apply for. Take a look here:
Magic Little Grants
Applications will be accepted from 1 March to 31 Oct 2023
Smaller charities and community groups across Great Britain can apply for one-off £500 grants.
The funding is for projects that fall within one of the following themes:
Providing support to improve mental health.
Enabling participation in physical activity.
Enabling participation in the arts.
Preventing or reducing the impact of poverty.
Supporting marginalised groups and tackling inequality.
Improving biodiversity and responding to the climate emergency.
Improving green spaces and increasing access to the outdoors.
Funding can be used to launch new projects, support existing ones, or cover core costs associated with ongoing work. Successful applicants can expect to hear the outcome within six weeks.
Lloyd’s Bank Foundation Offering Local Collaborations Grants
The deadline to apply is 22 September 2023 at 5pm.
Funding to support partnerships to influence locally and regionally on major social issues.
The latest programme of funding from Lloyd’s Bank Foundation England and Wales will support local collaborations led by small charities working to:
- Make the social security system work better for people facing the greatest challenges.
- Make sure people facing complex issues have access to suitable accommodation.
- Improve support and services for asylum seekers and refugees.
The fund offers grants of £100,000 over two years, with the opportunity to extend this by an extra year and an additional £50,000.
To be eligible, collaborations must:
- Have at least three organisations in the partnership.
- Want to influence an issue/challenge locally that aligns to the programme’s themes.
- Support and enable people with direct experience of the issue to influence change.
- Challenge discrimination and inequalities.
- Be in a defined local or regional geography that makes sense for the work (town/city, local authority, across counties, region).
The applicant charity (the organisation that will receive the grant) must have an annual income of £25,000 to £1 million.
Grants can support a range of influencing activities such as research, policy development, analysis and activity at the local or regional level to engage decision-makers including local authorities, metro mayors, regional bodies, statutory agencies, housing associations, as well as the media and public. The funding cannot be used to cover service delivery.
Health & Wellbeing Funds
Big Bike Revival Grants Programme
The deadline for applications is 31 July 2023.
Propose projects and activities must be delivered by 30 September 2023.
Voluntary groups, social enterprises, and other not-for-profit organisations across England have until the end of July 2023 to apply for funding for cycling projects targeting people who do not typically cycle.
Cycling UK is offering grants of up to £2,000 for voluntary and community cycle groups and other not-for-profit organisations across England to deliver projects and activities that achieve the following objectives:
- Encourage people who don’t cycle to cycle.
- Encourage people to cycle more often.
- Increase short cycling trips.
- Improve the perception of cycling safety.
- Improve people’s confidence to cycle.
The Big Bike Revival Grants Programme will support events and activities that use the ‘fix-learn-ride’ model to provide sessions for people groups that are underrepresented in cycling, such as:
- People on low incomes.
- People who suffer from poor mental health.
- People who are not meeting physical activity guidelines.
- People who are homeless.
- People who lack confidence.
- Unemployed people.
- Military veterans.
- People who are experiencing substance abuse.
- Ethnically diverse people.
- Refugees and asylum seekers.
- People experiencing transport poverty.
- People with perceived barriers to cycling.
Funding can be used for costs including but not limited to:
- Staff costs.
- Volunteer expenses, such as refreshments and travel.
- Equipment purchases, including tools, bikes, bike parking, locks, helmets, high-vis jackets, and pumps.
- Equipment hire, such as cones, high-vis jackets, helmets, or bikes.
- Consumables, including brake pads, inner tubes, cables, lubricant, or small parts.
- Venue hires or location fees.
- Participant refreshments such as reasonable drinks and snacks.
- Promotion costs.
- Transport, including transportation of goods to and from the event location.
- Personal Protection Equipment.
New GSK Health Inequalities Programme Opens for Applications
The deadline for online applications is 14 August 2023 (5pm).
New programme offers funding and leadership support to small charities tackling health inequalities in the UK.
The new GSK Health Inequalities programme is funded by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in partnership with The King’s Fund, a leading independent health charity working to improve health and social care.
The programme is designed to run alongside the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) IMPACT Awards .
The funding is aimed at very small charities working in their communities to address health inequalities and who find it hard to access unrestricted funding and support for their leaders. This particularly true for organisations who themselves may experience disadvantage, such as those led by people from ethnic minority communities, people with disabilities, people from the LGBTQ+ community and others.
The awards are as follows:
- Up to 15 charities will receive up to £10,000 in unrestricted funding.
- Award winners will also be offered access to training and development valued at £2,700.
Small charities that are working, located and registered in the UK can apply.
They must:
- Be a registered charity by the application deadline of 14 August 2023.
- Have existed for a minimum of one year by 14 August 2023.
- Have a total annual income of between £20,000 and £150,000 as shown in their most recent accounts.
- Be independently constituted from any national umbrella organisation.
- Be able to demonstrate how they are tackling health inequalities in their community, which can be defined as a geographical community or a community of interest.
Charities will need to demonstrate how their organisation is supporting communities that experience health disadvantage and how their work helps tackle this issue. Examples include but are not limited to:
- They may be working to make health services more accessible, appropriate or welcoming to the communities they serve, for example, by setting up services and access points from within the community, or working with public sector providers to address barriers to access.
- They may be supporting communities to access health services, such as by supporting people to register with a GP, or to access support for mental health issues.
- They may be providing specific services to communities to support their health and wellbeing, increase uptake of screening services, improve healthy lifestyles or other similar activity.
- They may be using focused interventions to ensure parts of the community that have traditionally been under-served or have experienced marginalisation have access to appropriate services.
Climate Change & Environment Focused Funds
Deadline approaching – Starbucks and Hubbub Launch ‘Eat it Up Fund’ for UK
The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 21 July 2023 (5pm).
A limited number of one-off grants are available for UK registered organisations to support innovative ideas to tackle food waste in the UK.
Launched by Hubbub, the environmental charity, in partnership with Starbucks, the new £200,000 Eat it Up Fund is offering grants of up to £40,000.
The fund is aimed at finding and supporting creative approaches to reducing food waste.
The fund will support UK registered organisations with an early-stage food waste project with potential for impact at scale.
Projects need to do some or all of the following:
- Address pre-farmgate waste (the food production process, up to the point where the products have been harvested and prepared as produce for sale).
- Prevent food from being wasted at the manufacturing and processing stage.
- Minimise food waste from retailers.
- Find creative ways to use surplus food in communities or at home.
The fund can support ideas that are ready to test, or concepts that have been tested and are ready to progress further.
Applications will be accepted from any organisation that can prove they are an officially constituted body, registered in the UK.
This includes
- Registered charities, including charitable incorporated organisations and not for profit companies.
- Social enterprises.
- Community Interest Companies.
- Schools, universities and colleges.
- Local authorities.
- Micro and small businesses with a clear social purpose (less than 50 employees and an annual turnover under £10 million).
Applications from a collaboration of organisations are welcomed as long as the lead organisation is one of the types of organisations listed above.
Deadline approaching: New £25m Species Survival Fund Opens for Applications (England)
The first step is to submit an Expression of Interest by the deadline of 12 noon on 24 July 2023.
Funding for individuals and organisations based in England for projects that create and restore natural habitats in England and are planned, costed and ready to start.
The £25 million Species Survival Fund is provided by Defra and distributed on its behalf by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The Fund is designed to make crucial early progress towards the statutory 2030 Species Abundance target.
Grants of between £250,000 and £3 million are available for projects of maximum two years’ duration that boost the quality and quantity of wildlife-rich habitats.
The funding is for projects that enlarge and connect habitats, improve degraded habitats so species can thrive, and projects that create new sites. Habitats can be terrestrial, riparian, coastal and/or estuarine.
Projects should halt decline and contribute to abundance across a wide range of species. Local priorities should be considered.
Priority will be given to projects that connect people with nature, include species monitoring, support green jobs and climate change adaptation.
Applications will be accepted from individuals and organisations working with landscapes and nature in England, including:
- Environmental not-for-profit organisations.
- AONBs and National Park Authorities (via their accountable or registered body).
- Local authorities.
- Farmers and land managers.
Organisations are encouraged to apply as partnerships where this is likely to lead to more joined-up projects.
The funding can be used for both capital and revenue costs directly related to the project. Successful applicants are expected to cover at least 5% of their project’s costs.
There is a two-stage application process.
£10m Energy and Climate Programme from National Lottery Community Fund
Application deadline – You can apply when you’re ready. We expect the programme to remain open until at least December 2023 but it will depend on when and how many others apply for our funding.
Stage 1 applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
As part of its wider commitment to supporting climate action, National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF) is delivering a new grant scheme which focuses on community energy projects across the UK.
There is a total funding pot of £10 million, which includes £1.5 million for a Learning Network. More information on this is expected in April 2023.
The Fund offers grants of £500,000 to £1.5 million over two to five years for place-based partnerships, UK-wide partnerships or single voluntary and community organisations.
Projects are required to do at least one of the following:
- Encourage people and communities to use energy in an environmentally friendly way.
- Bring communities together so that they can explore ways to promote energy efficiency.
- Enable communities to understand and engage with opportunities for clean energy generation, which do not use fossil fuels.
Grants can be used on project costs, revenue costs and some capital costs. It is expected that most funding will be for revenue.
There will online information sessions for interested applicants in the coming months. The link to register can be found on the NLCF website:
Sussex Lund is a grant programme supported by Lund Trust and administered by the High Weald AONB team.
Sussex Lund is now accepting new applications for 2023; the application window will close on 3 October.
It supports small-scale, practical projects that improve the landscape of the High Weald AONB and the towns, villages and hamlets on its fringes.
It also supports projects that help people to experience the landscape and build connections to it. Previous successful applications include:
- Planting community orchards
- Restoring ponds and wetland areas
- Hedge-laying to restore historic boundary lines
- Managing wildflower precious grassland; and
- Creating new habitats for dormice and barn owls.
Projects could also include community events or initiatives that celebrate and raise awareness of the High Weald landscape and its special qualities. This year we are keen to support projects that improve nature and scenic beauty in community green spaces; particularly in urban areas on the fringes of the High Weald.
International Tree Foundation Accepting Applications for Tree Planting Projects Across UK
Deadline for applications is 15 December 2023.
Community groups across the UK can apply for funding to support projects to preserve and enhance indigenous trees and woodlands and engage communities in tree planting and reforestation.
International Tree Foundation has reopened the UK Tree Planting Grant Programme for the 2023 planting season and is offering grants for community-based organisations to conserve, restore and protect indigenous trees and woodlands, forests, habitats, and associated biodiversity, support community engagement in tree planting, and to increase awareness of the importance of trees and forests to environmental and human well-being.
Funding is for UK-based tree-planting projects that meet the following essential criteria:
- Plant trees in public/publicly accessible spaces.
- Plant indigenous tree species (including traditional fruit trees and ‘honorary’ natives where appropriate).
- Engage community members in tree planting and enjoying the benefits of woodlands.
- Have clear plans for maintenance and sustainability.
In addition, the project must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Engage children and young adults in tree planting and learning about trees.
- Engage vulnerable groups and groups with low access to woodlands.
- Conserve existing ancient trees and indigenous woodlands as well as new planting.
- Create biodiversity habitats.
- Conserve soil and water.
- Demonstrate new approaches such as agroforestry.
- Support rewilding and natural regeneration.
- Support work or research on tree pest and disease resistance and climate change. adaptation.
- Support urban tree planting.
Grants of up to £1,000 are available for projects of up to one year, as well as grants for large-scale projects ranging from 1000 to 10,000 trees with a maximum price equivalent to £1.50 per tree (inclusive of tree protection).
Community Safety Related Funds
Safer Wealden Partnership Fund
Deadline: Ongoing
Funding for community-led interventions is available from the Safer Wealden Partnership. The Safer Wealden Partnership is a Community Safety Partnership and is primarily focused on helping communities to develop solutions that help tackle crime, fear of crime, and anti-social behaviours.
Bids for this money must clearly demonstrate how the project, or intervention, meets one or more of the following six Safer Wealden Partnership priorities for the 2023/24 year.
These priorities are:
- Working to ensure local people feel safe and secure and reducing the fear of crime.
- Working together to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on Wealden’s roads and to improve road safety awareness.
- Working to protect and divert young people away from crime and anti-social behaviour.
- To work in partnership to reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour.
- Working to reduce acquisitive crime
- Working with partners to understand the impact of serious violence in the district and begin work to reduce it.
An application form must be filled to be considered for funding. Bids of over £1500 will go to the finance subcommittee for further scrutiny after being approved at the joint action group meeting.
If you would like to learn more about the funding available, or if you would like to request an application form, please use the following email address:
SGN Safe and Warm Fund
The SGN Safe and Warm funding opportunity is for small grassroots organisations who already have good relationships with their communities &/or clients, and are keen to provide extra support with personalised energy advice and advice on carbon monoxide safety.
- We can support you to find relevant training if this is a new area of work for you, and we will provide up to date information on the type of energy bill support available for households, as well as running webinars for awarded groups on providing energy advice.
- Groups can apply for up to £25,000 and must operate within the SGN area. Projects must complete by December 2023.
- There is no fixed deadline for this funding opportunity, but we encourage you to apply soon before funds run out.
Further information is available on our webpage
Guidance & link to apply:
SGN Safe and Warm Info for Applicants March 2023.pdf
SGN Safe and Warm – questions for applicants – Feb 2023.pdf
Do get in touch if you have any questions or want any support to complete an application, via email, or call our switchboard and ask to speak to Lydia or Vic – 0117 934 1400
Village Hall Focused Funds
Please see below list of funding opportunities for village halls, community buildings:
Garfield Weston Foundation:
Grants are available to charitable organisations in the UK for a wide range of projects in the areas of welfare, youth, community, arts, faith, environment, education, health, and museums and heritage.
Current Status: Open for Applications
Maximum value: Discretionary
Biffa Award – Community Buildings
Description: Grants are available for not-for-profit organisations to provide and improve community buildings that are located within the vicinity of a Biffa Operation or Biffa Landfill site in order to ‘act as mechanisms’ for community involvement.
Current Status: Open for Applications
Maximum value: £ 75,000
Objectives of Fund
The Biffa Award Community Buildings theme provides grants to improve community buildings such as village halls, community centres and church halls within five miles of a significant Biffa Operation or within 10 miles of an active Biffa Landfill site with the aim of encouraging and enhancing community involvement.
SUEZ Communities Trust Landfill Communities Fund – Primary Fund (England)
Next Deadline: 13 Sept for a decision by end of Nov.
Grants are available to non-profit making organisations in qualifying areas of England for improvements to local community facilities, historic buildings and structures, sport and recreation facilities.
Current Status: Open for Applications
Maximum value: £ 50,000
Objectives of Fund: The LCF Primary Fund Programme supports capital improvement works to public amenity projects for community use
Support Asylum Seekers and Refugees Funding
Funding for Community Hubs in the UK that Support Asylum Seekers and Refugees
There are four more opportunities to apply for funding before 31 January 2024.
The next deadline for applications is 31 July with a decision by 31 August 2023.
Small grants for not-for-profit community hubs that serve asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in the UK.
The charity Migrant Help is currently accepting applications from not-for-profit organisations across the UK that need a small grant to start a new community hub, or expand an existing hub, in order to support asylum seekers, refugees and survivors of modern-day slavery in the UK.
Two grants are available:
- Small bridging grants of up to £2,000
To help with things like short-term running costs whilst seeking further funding or to provide essential needs that cannot be met elsewhere. This may include essentials like covering unexpected increases in bills / venue hire, activity costs, material items or for costs of training and advertising.
- Sustainability and start up grants of up to £5,000
To help start a new hub in an area of high need or to invest in an existing hub, creating sustainability, such as equipment, training for staff and volunteers, support in advertising opportunities or identifying partners, hosting launch days and community events etc.
Applications will be accepted from:
Registered organisations managing existing hubs.
- Constituted groups.
- Charities.
- Faith groups.
- Community Interest Companies (CICs).
- Not for profit organisations.
- Partnerships of not-for-profit organisations.
- Priority will be given to individuals and organisations who have not previously received funding from Migrant Help.
Applications can be submitted at any time and will be assessed on a bi-monthly basis with deadlines to submit applications for each round.
£500,000 for Projects to Tackle Electronic Waste and Support Digital Inclusion
The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 20 October 2023.
Grants are available for UK organisations to support innovative approaches to tackling e-waste, with a focus on small electrical devices.
The Time after Time e-waste Fund is provided by Hubbub Foundation and Virgin Media O2 to boost initiatives for tackling the UK’s e-waste challenge. The funding will support projects that aim to prevent e-waste by extending the life of small electrical items; that increase the recycling of e-waste; or that increase understanding of e-waste and reach new audiences.
This year, a total of £500,000 is available, with grants ranging in size from £25,000 to £100,000. The expectation is that between six and eight projects will be supported, with varying grant sizes.
The 2023 round of the programme focuses on digital inclusion projects using smartphones, tablets and laptops. The funding may be used for projects costs only – not organisational core costs.
Applications will be accepted from UK charities, academic bodies, Community Interest Companies, social enterprises, registered companies and local authorities. Collaboration is encouraged, and partnership applications are welcomed. The lead applicant for such applications must be a registered body in the UK.