A new online community engagement hub has been launched to improve engagement between Wealden District Council and its residents.
Let’s Talk Wealden aims to provide an interactive and relaxed space for residents to find out about the latest proposals for their area, have their say, ask questions and discuss ideas with the community. Residents do not need to sign up if they wish to view the site but will need to register if they wish to comment, discuss, or ask a question.
Councillor James Partridge, Alliance for Wealden (Liberal Democrat), lead councillor for Governance, Community Leadership and Communications and leader of the council, said, “Let’s Talk Wealden is a hub that will give residents easy access to information about projects we are working on and provide the opportunity to keep up to date with our projects and create discussions.
“We noticed that residents did not comment much in previous consultations and, as a council, we want to hear more from, and form better relationships with, our residents.”
Residents can sign up by visiting https://letstalk.wealden.gov.uk/