More than £1.8million has been awarded to Wealden District Council to install energy efficiency measures and low carbon heating in homes.
The council was allocated the money – £1,873,710 – through Phase 2 of the government’s Home Upgrade Grant to be delivered from April 2023 until March 2025.
The Home Upgrade Grant will provide energy efficiency upgrades and low carbon heating via local authority funding, to households in Wealden that are on low income; off the gas grid, have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) between D and G and own or privately rent.
Wealden has funding to help 90 households install packages of energy saving measures such as insulation and low carbon heating including air source heat pumps.
Measures are fully funded for owner-occupiers. Landlords will need to make a one-third contribution towards the cost.
Wealden’s allocation was part of a £630million package awarded under Phase 2 of the Home Upgrade Grant to support more than 25,000 low income homes across England through the installation of energy efficiency measures and low carbon heating.
Further information on the funding available is at