Application No. WD/880/CMCL (East Sussex)
Location: Faircrouch Depot, Household Waste Recycling, Faircrouch Lane, Wadhurst, East Sussex, TN5 6PT
Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed use as a privately operated Household Waste Recycling Centre in accordance with extant planning permissions WD/1377/CC and WD/136/CM and their attached conditions. The deposit of household waste at the site by members of the public and or the importation of household waste by the operator without restriction on:
a) the vehicle type or volume delivering to the site; and,
b) the volume of waste throughout.
This site was previously only used for reception purposes, not waste transfer. There was no processing or storage of oil or chemicals. It is important to limit its use to household reception to avoid a change in use, despite arguments from the applicant citing case law.t.
Here is a video depicting the journey of large vehicles attempting to access the Household Waste Recycling in Faircrouch Lane via the High Street.