
Update from Wadhurst Parish Council Amenities Committee

January 2023

Commemoration Hall

2023 is going to be a busy year for the Amenities Committee. Having agreed to a new ten-year lease for the public conveniences at the Commemoration Hall, we are about to embark on a complete refurbishment to bring them up to date. We have had several quotes to do the work but have yet to be awarded the contract. As a result, the toilets will be closed for at least two weeks. Please go to the Wadhurst Parish website for updates and when the toilets will be opened again after the refurbishment.


Also, in January or early February, the council will agree and renew a ten-year lease with East Sussex Fire and Rescue for the Jardin. Once signed, we can proceed with urgent work to remove some diseased trees, which we could not do last year. The trees in question were all identified by an independent Chartered Arboriculturist. The Parish Council successfully submitted a planning application to Wealden District Council. We then had to apply to the Forestry Commission for a felling licence, where we were also successful. The plan is to remove the Ash trees from the right-hand pond area, allowing more light into the vicinity and creating the right pond environment for the fish to thrive.

The Parish Council have also engaged a Professional Ecology to submit a proposal to regenerate the Jardin. Details will follow shortly.

Pavilion – Sparrow Green

For several years, the Parish Council have been looking at different schemes to improve the environment and space within the Pavilion. As a result, in January, building works started at the Pavillion to create an office and more storage space.

Last year a new Zip wire was installed in the children’s play area. This year the Parish Council will purchase outdoor table tennis from Playcrete ( However, before we can install the table tennis, a shelter will be erected to enable the table to be used all year round. The shelter and table tennis location will be between the car park and the playground.

It is envisaged that the Parish Council will look at having a mini scooter park for children in their early years.

The Parish Council would like to hear from you, the residents of Wadhurst and your ideas for facilities for older students in the village. If there is anything you would like the Parish Council to consider, please write to the clerk at