Wealden set to welcome hundreds of Ukrainian refugees
Already more than 100 refugees have arrived in the Wealden district to begin new lives.
According to latest figures, there are more than 500 expected arrivals due in Wealden, which is the most in any district of East Sussex and twice as many as in any other constituency in East Sussex.
The data has been released by East Sussex County Council, which is the lead authority co-ordinating the operation to welcome and settle Ukrainian refugees as they arrive in the county.
Almost 1,200 refugees are due to arrive in East Sussex and local councils together with partners are working together to support them and their hosts.
Wealden District Council leader Councillor Bob Standley has led the messages of welcome and support for the refugees.
He said, “I am proud, though not surprised, that the number of Wealden residents offering homes to Ukraine refugees is the highest in East Sussex.
“I am sure we are all appalled by the invasion of the independent country of Ukraine and the shocking pictures of the Russian attacks on civilians and the destruction of Ukraine villages, towns and cities.
“I know the new residents to our part of East Sussex will be welcomed with open arms as they settle into the Wealden district and the children are placed in local schools. Wealden District Council is working closely with East Sussex County Council and other voluntary agencies to welcome our Ukrainian guests.”
East Sussex County Council has published a Welcome to East Sussex guide, which is available in full Ukrainian translation here. For any questions, hosts can contact the county council by email ukraine@eastsussex.gov.uk or telephone helpline 01323 724748.