Wealden District Council has appointed external lottery operator Gatherwell to manage a community lottery as part of the Council’s strategy to help support charities and other good causes.
The Wealden Community Lottery is expected to be introduced in autumn 2022 and will be operated by Gatherwell, which has already helped many other local authorities create and manage engaging community lotteries.
The lottery sees players purchasing tickets for £1 and choosing a good cause they want 60% of their donation to go to.
The remainder will go on prize money – there are prizes ranging from £25 to £25,000 – and management fees.
Wealden District Council’s community and public health portfolio holder Councillor Philip Lunn said, “The Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in terms of their ability to fundraise, which has affected their income streams and as a result has impacted on the support that can be provided to local activity.
“Councils are also under increasing budget pressures, which could inevitably impact on the funding available to support local voluntary and community organisations in the long term.
“We as a council have explored alternative solutions to support the sector and I am pleased to announce the appointment of Gatherwell as the approved external operator.
“The Wealden Community Lottery will raise money within the community for the community and therefore offers a valuable, additional income generation solution to the voluntary and community and social enterprise sector in Wealden, enabling them to provide valuable services locally.
“This is the perfect solution, encourages community wellbeing and gives charities and organisations the support and promotion they deserve.”