
Wadhurst High Street drainage investigation between 21st and 22nd December

I am writing to advise that we will be carrying out a drainage investigation
along Wadhurst High Street next week. This is because it was noted following
the recent resurfacing works, that several drains were blocked and causing
flooding to the road.

The investigation work will involve us identifying the different types of
drains there are on the High Street and particularly the quantity of swan
neck gullies (also known as trapped gullies). We need to identify these
style gullies because if any are blocked, an excavation would need to be
made so we can carry out repairs to any blocked pipes.

The works will take place on Monday 21st December and Tuesday 22nd December
from 7 pm and any noisy work such as jetting will be completed by midnight.
The road will remain open during the works, with no parking cones along the
High Street where needed so that our teams can access the drains
without issue. The works are taking place in the evening/at night to
minimise disruption to traffic, residents, and businesses. I have attached a
map to show where we will be working and where the no parking cones have
been put out today.

We would like to complete these works before Christmas, so we can start to
address the flooding which is causing concern to local residents as early as
possible in the new year.

We are also going be carrying out some drainage maintenance works along
Lower High Street in the vicinity of Wesley House before Christmas. These
works are to address the immediate risk of flooding and will include the
removal of tree roots that have grown into the drainage pipes. These are
just interim works to address and alleviate the pressure on the system until
a larger scale scheme and investigation can be planned and delivered to
improve the capacity of the network along the road. A date for the larger-scale
works will be confirmed at a later stage.

Kind regards

Corinne Black I Customer Service Manager – Central Customer Contact Centre |
East Sussex HighwaysTel: 0345 60 80 193 | Website: