Residents in Wealden are encouraged to help in clearing litter that blights the district during the Great British Spring Clean 2023.
This year’s mass campaign, from 17 March to 2 April, brings together individuals, community organisations, businesses and councils to make a difference to the environment on our doorstep – and the charity is keen to stress litter picking can be accessible to everybody with the right resources.
Wealden District Council is calling on residents to show pride in their area by pledging on Keep Britain Tidy’s website to pick a bag or more of litter, helping make a huge difference to the environment.
In partnership with Biffa, Wealden council is keen to support volunteers wanting to participate in the Great British Spring Clean by providing litter picking equipment and arranging for the litter to be collected.
Priority for new equipment will be given to any new groups volunteering and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Waste sacks and waste collection services are available to all groups.
As well as being good for the environment, after the 2022 campaign 85% of people who took part said they felt more pride for their local area.
A post campaign survey of participants also shows 71% agreed that they feel more a part of their local community and 69% agreed that they are more aware of the litter issues in their local area.
Councillor Ray Cade, Wealden’s portfolio holder for Waste, said, “This is a great initiative for residents in Wealden to get involved with and make a difference in our district as a whole and in our communities too.
“Litter costs the council a staggering amount a year to clear, and we are lucky to have community groups and residents that clean up litter from our streets, towns and countryside throughout the year.”
If residents would like to participate, email giving your name, address and proposed area you would like to litter pick.