Update 13th June 2022: The works continue this week and it is likely that the play area will need to be closed for some periods to ensure the safety of the children, carers and contractors. This will be limited to essential times, and re opened as soon as it is considered safe to do so.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Claudine (Clerk to the Council)
The zip wire and sports wall at Sparrows Green play area/recreation ground are being replaced during the week commencing 6th June 2022.
Construction workers may need to close the play area for some short periods of time when moving earth, cement, equipment etc in and out of the play area, to ensure safety.
The parish council apologise for any inconveniences caused this week and hope parishioners will be happy with the finished results for all to enjoy.
Many thanks
Claudine (Clerk to the Parish Council)