The funding is intended to increase the social and environmental impact of community fridges by allowing them to deliver their own activities that will bring local people together and provide access to healthy, affordable and sustainable food.
Each successful applicant will receive a grant of £6,000.
This will be in the form of £5,000 towards costs of setting up the hub and then a further £1,000 one year after opening.
Constituted voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) groups may apply.
To be eligible for funding, applicants must:
- Be operating a UK based Community Fridge which is open to the public.
- Be registered members of the Community Fridge network.
Funded activities must fit within one of the following themes:
- Skills – providing access to training and knowledge-building activities, including: Training, Events, Growing, Budgeting, How to set up a food surplus enterprise
- Affordable food – supporting collaborative purchasing and/or local food retail, including: Food co-operatives, Food box schemes, Fruit and vegetable stalls, Meals on wheels or a community cafe
- Community Connection – providing opportunities for communities to come together around food, including: Community cooking, Community meals, Youth activities, Recipe sharing
- Growing – increasing the amount of food grown locally, including: Community gardens, Edible greening, Neighbourhood ’grow and watch’ schemes, Workshops, Skill and seed shares
The fund will close at 1159pm on 7th November 2022.
There will be a Q&A webinar on 20th October 2022, 1pm to 2pm.