
Best Beech Lane Road Closure for 103 days



U7601 Best Beech Lane, Wadhurst




Temporary Road Closure



To allow South East Water to carry out new water main replacement works, it is necessary to impose a temporary road closure from the junction with the B2100 Mayfield Lane for its entire length, works are  a distance of approximately 20 metres.


A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible.


Best Beech Lane, Wadhurst is a no through road, a diversion route is not applicable.




7th October 2024 to 3rd March 2025


works anticipated to take 103 days to complete.




Advance warning signs will be placed on site advising of actual date of works



If you need to discuss this further please contact:


South East Water on 0333 000 0365