
Message from East Sussex Highways – Grit Bins

Dear all

I am writing to provide you with some information regarding grit bins following the wintery weather we have recently experienced.

A full replenishment programme is underway for all East Sussex County Council owned grit bins, but as we have over 600 grit bins we are using additional resources and endeavouring to complete this as early as possible.

As you will be aware, there are a number of grit bins in the county that are privately owned (usually belonging to parishes, residents associations etc). Should you wish to have any of your grit bins replenished as part of our programme, you can apply for this at a cost of £108 per fill. This application form can be found on our website:

I hope this information is of use to you and please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.

Customer Service Manager – Central 

Customer Contact Centre

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