School holiday provision: Are you interested in developing a holiday activities and food offer for disadvantaged children in East Sussex?
The government has recently announced that the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme will be expanded across the whole of England in 2021, and there is funding available, to provide an offer which is free for children eligible for free school meals. East Sussex County Council is currently inviting Expressions of Interests from potential providers of holiday activities and/or food for the Easter and Summer/Christmas holidays 2021.
Easter holiday provision
To submit proposals for this Easter holiday (2-16 April), providers are invited to complete the Easter EOI form by 5 March. Please do contact us if you have missed the deadline as we are keen to enable providers to develop offers.
Summer and Christmas holiday provision
To submit proposals for the Summer and/or Christmas holiday, providers are asked to complete a Summer/Christmas EOI form by 23 April
Please note – Two separate online forms will need to be submitted by providers if they would like to make proposals for both the Easter and Summer/Christmas holidays.
Providers can submit any questions or queries to HAF@eastsussex.gov.uk.
Arts Council England have announced changes to the turnaround times for Project Grants as it is taking longer than usual to process and reach decisions on some applications. The assessment periods will now be: 10-weeks for under £15K, 16-weeks for over £15K. If you have already submitted an application and have not yet received a decision please take note of this information, and look out for a notification from ACE in Grantium, your application portal. Find out more.
Transforming Places through Heritage Grants – Architectural Heritage Fund This programme supports projects that will contribute to the transformation of high streets and town centres in England helping them become thriving places, strengthening local communities and encouraging local economies to prosper. It is part of a wider initiative to revive heritage high streets in England, alongside Historic England’s High Street Heritage Action Zones. This programme is for individual heritage buildings in, or transferring to, community ownership. They will support charities and social enterprises to develop projects with the potential to bring new life to high streets by creating alternative uses for redundant or underused historic buildings in town centres. http://ahfund.org.uk/england A range of grants are available:
- Project Viability Grants: up to £15,000, for early viability and feasibility work, open now for applications.
- Project Development Grants: up to £100,000, for capital project development costs, open now for applications.
- Crowdfunding Challenge Grants: up to £25,000, to match fund crowdfunding campaigns, open now for applications.
- Transformational Project Grants: up to £350,000 for the repair, restoration and adaptation of a building to bring it into use, up to 80% of the cost of work involved.
- Community Shares Booster Grants: supporting community share offers with development grants and matched investment.
Heritage Trade Up Programme: are you looking to strengthen the financial resilience and governance capabilities of your heritage organisation? The School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) and the National Heritage Lottery Fund have joined together to create this fully-funded programme which will offer eight months of capacity building support for a broad range of heritage sector organisations from across the UK.
They’ll support you to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes you need to develop enterprise models and deepen social and/or environmental impact. You will be part of a safe and supportive group of like-minded peers. Key benefits:
- Strengthen your organisation with free learning programme: Eight days of learning between October 2021 and June 2022
- Receive a £10,000 Trade Back grant that supports your recovery from the Covid pandemic
- Gain a network of peers, who will help you develop your plans and act as a sounding board.
The programme is designed for people who are leading a heritage organisation or trading project. They should have responsibility for the trading activity and be able to shape it and make strategic decisions.
The Fund accepts applications from organisations which are set up as not-for-profit organisations or return the majority of their profits for social purposes.
The Fund is particularly interested in geographic representation applications from:
- Majority-led or working primarily with people of colour and from minoritised ethnic backgrounds
- Majority-led or working primarily with disabled people
- Majority-led or working primarily with LGBTQ+ communities
- Based in areas with high levels of deprivation (IMD decile 1-3).
The deadline for applications is 9th April 2021 (13:00) Email: applications@sse.org.uk
Season for Change has just launched their Open Programme: a call out to artists and organisations to use culture to showcase their commitment and support in tackling climate change. They’re inviting all kinds of activity, which can take place anywhere – in arts venues, on streets, in schools, at festivals, on beaches, in libraries or museums and across broadcast, film, fashion and music – and everyone is welcome. Individuals and organisations. Large and small. Local and national. Live and digital. |