Following concerns from residents, which the WPC share, about the lack of footway between the Railway station and Faircrouch Lane, we have been in contact with East Sussex County Council (ESCC) about this issue as they are the body who are responsible for the roads and footways in Wadhurst.
ESCC have assessed the proposal under their scheme prioritisation process but unfortunately the proposal did not achieve the benchmark score to enable it to be taken forward currently. This is partly due to the lack of consistent verge to convert to footway between Rock Robin Row and Faircrouch Lane.
However, ESCC have acknowledged that the area of commuter parking has widened, and they will therefore be looking to install an additional ‘pedestrians in road’ warning sign with supplementary plate further west to incorporate the area between Three Oaks Lane and Faircrouch Lane.
We share resident’s longstanding concerns about this issue and are sorry not to be able to report more positive news, but understand the budgetary constraints that ESCC face and their need to prioritise proposals across the county.