Message from East Sussex Highways re Rural Grass Cutting
‘As I am sure you are aware, the summer saw perfect growing conditions for grass, with the alternating rain and sun. According to our records, we had the highest amount of rain for May, June and July for this whole contract (which started in May 2016). We were aware of this and continued to ensure safety and visibility remained our priority.
This continues to be our priority all year round, so if you see a problem you can report it as per normal via our website.
We would like your Feedback
The point of a trial is to allow us to understand the impact this change could have if rolled out wider, so your feedback is very important to us and we welcome both positive and negative comments.
We would like to know things such as:
- What you saw in the verges
- What your residents were saying to you
- If you would take part again
- If there is something that could be done better
- Anything you think would be good for us to know
The online feedback form is also still open, so please feel free to share it with your residents’.