
East Sussex Cultural Opportunities & information


East Sussex Arts Partnership Funding Surgery: The Basics.  A guide to how to make successful funding bids.  15 September 2021 10am

New to writing funding applications?  Keep getting applications turned down?  The East Sussex External Funding Team will talk you through the foundation steps you need to take before you even begin to fill that form in.  Book here.


East Sussex Arts Partnership Funding Surgery: all you need to know  about applying for National Lottery Heritage Fund  14 October 2021 10am

Want to understand the current funds available from the National Lottery Heritage Fund? Looking for insights into what you need to include in a successful application? A Heritage Fund representative will talk you through what funding is available, where to find guidance and how to write about your project to maximise your chances of success.  Book Here


East Sussex Arts Partnership Funding Surgery: all you need to know  about applying for Arts Council England funding  10 November 2021 10am

Want to understand the current funds available from Arts Council England? Looking for insights into what you need to include in a successful application? An Arts Council England representative will talk you through what funding is available, where to find guidance and how to write about your project to maximise your chances of success.  Book here.


Jerwood Arts has announced the innovative 1:1 FUND – offering awards of £2,000 to 35 random pairings of independent early-career makers and creators.


The Centre for Cultural Value has launched a new Collaborate fund, supporting 15 research partnerships with awards from £5k to £20k.


Hastings Borough Council is looking to appoint an organisation or consortium to deliver a £70,000 programme of events and interventions in Hastings town centre, St Leonards town centre and Hastings Old Town as well as the associated seafront areas. The aim of these activities is to boost footfall and increase dwell time in the high streets and neighbouring shopping areas as well as bring together local and visitors to celebrate Hastings. The key dates are:

Tender closes: 1pm, 17 September 2021

Contract start: 27 September 2021

Contract ends: 31 March 2022

Applications must be made via the  SE Shared Services eSourcing Portal (


East Sussex County Council, working with a range of health, care and voluntary sector partners, are conducting a needs assessment for our lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and other sexual and gender identity minorities (LGBTQ+). We want to understand LGBTQ+ experiences of health, accessing local services and about how Covid-19 has impacted these groups.  This will help us improve services locally. Projects in other areas have resulted in real change, such as LGBTQ+ training for GPs and the development of new and innovative services for LGBTQ+ communities.  We are running an online survey to gather the views of our LGBTQ+ communities. We would be very grateful if your organisation would support in promoting the survey which runs until 26th September. For more information on the LGBTQ+ survey please see our press release – Can you help shape local services for LGBTQ+ groups? | The Newsroom (  We will also be promoting the survey on social media and would really welcome your support. If you would like to share our posts we have provided links to the latest posts: Facebook post, Twitter post

The Careers Hub are seeking 3 employers that represent the sectors of Hospitality / Cultural destinations / Land-based to take part in 3 short films, giving a behind the scenes tour of a workplace environment and showcasing the entry level jobs within the sector. The Careers Hub has now been running its Open Doors Programme for five years, giving secondary students aged 11 to 19 the opportunity to visit East Sussex businesses. Small groups of students have the opportunity to meet staff, tour the company, talk about careers pathways and often take part in an activity. Feedback from students and schools has been that these visits have had a strong impact on learners’ behaviour and aspirations. The programme has enabled some students to decide on career paths, take steps to work harder in school, and find work experience placements. The Open Doors programme traditionally happens in the month of November. Footage: All footage will be owned by the Careers Hub but can be utilised by our wider network such as Skills East Sussex and of course by yourselves. The films will be shown in schools and promoted via the Careers East Sussex website.  If you would like to find out more information, please contact Kim at


Business Success Programme: 2 full days of business support delivered by experienced start-up Business Growth Consultants.

📅 Tuesday 21st September    10:00 am


Adapting with Digital: Learn how to effectively plan your digital communications: Helping businesses talk the talk online and keep customers at the heart of their digital comms.  

📅 Thursday 28th September    10:00am



NHS Covid Pass Guidance Updated: The Covid Pass Guidance has been updated to state that children under 18 do not have to demonstrate their COVID-19 status for entry to domestic events or venues in England. Children aged 16 or over can get an NHS COVID Pass for travel but should follow the entry requirements of the country they are travelling to.


National Lottery Days Out Scheme:  VisitBritain has published information for businesses on the £10 million National Lottery Days Out campaign. Under the scheme, £25 vouchers will be available to National Lottery Lotto players this autumn to redeem against a day out in the UK, backed by a multi-million-pound national advertising campaign, launching on primetime television during the National Lottery Lotto draw in October.  All UK-based attractions are eligible to take part, subject to availability and meeting campaign criteria. to make sure you are registered in time for the campaign launch.

You also need to:

    • Be bookable online (or be willing to be)
    • Have availability during the campaign period from October into early 2022
    • Agree to the TXGB and VisitBritainShop terms and conditions
    • Be signed-up to the COVID-19 industry standard ‘We’re Good to Go’


VisitBritain will be publishing a promotional toolkit with campaign assets and messaging to support attractions’ own marketing activities and there will  be the opportunity to drive additional bookings by remaining on the VisitBritain Shop and TXGB distribution platform post the campaign.  If you are and attraction and are interest in being involved you can email VisitBritain at          Further information is available on the following link

Live Events Reinsurance Scheme: The Government has announced the launch of a new  Live Events Reinsurance Scheme which will offer cost indemnification if an event has to be cancelled, postponed, relocated or abandoned due to new UK Civil Authority restrictions in response to COVID-19. All live events including music festivals, conferences and business events are eligible to purchase that additional cover, which will be available alongside standard commercial events insurance.


The key features of the scheme are:

    • It will cover live events that are open to the general public and are physically located in the UK. This includes live music events, festivals, sports events, trade shows and business events. Private events such as weddings and parties would not be covered.
    • In order to be eligible, event organisers must purchase the relevant cover from participating insurers within the scheme. Event organisers must also have or purchase a standard events cancellation policy (or a policy which includes event cancellation coverage) provided at least in part by a participating insurer – the cover backed by the scheme will not be offered on a standalone basis.
    • Premium is set at 5% of the total value of insured costs (plus Insurance Premium Tax).
    • Claims will be subject to an excess of 5% of the value of the insured costs or £1,000 (whichever is higher) per policy.
    • Event organisers can purchase cover up to the full cost of their event, irrespective of when those costs are incurred.
    • Cover must be purchased at least 8 weeks prior to the event taking place. This requirement will however not apply for the first 12 weeks of the scheme.
    • The government’s expectation is that participating insurers will pay no brokerage in connection with the scheme and no deductions for such brokerage will be made to any premiums paid by insurers to DCMS in connection with the scheme.


The Scheme will run to 30 September 2022 with a review point in Spring 2022. Cover will be available to purchase through participating insurers which include Arch, Beazley, Dale, Hiscox and Munich Re (more are expect to follow). Event organisers can now start approaching these insurers to discuss their cover.  Here is a link to the details of the scheme

  • Shape Of Events Report

BVEP has published a new report on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the events sector. The main findings of the report are that


    • Overall event activity was down 95% across the UK during the past 12 months
    • The UK events industry lost £57 billion of value from the pre-pandemic level of £70 billion
    • 17% of event and exhibition businesses permanently ceased trading during 2020
    • 126,000 jobs were lost during the same period


However, the BVEP finds that the pandemic has also been a catalyst for change and innovation across the entire events sector and while the industry has been far more engaged with government during this period, there is still a need for greater, deeper, and longer-term industry representation

 Sources of information:

Arts Council E-newsletter:  (Oversight of Arts Council England COVID 19 response)

Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy: Subscribe to our mailing list | Cause4

Artswork: Our newsletters – Artswork

Artswork Alliance:

Arts Marketing Association:

Creative England: Creative England Creative England

Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre: Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre (

Creative United newsletter: (scroll to the bottom)

Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance:

East Sussex Growth Hub:

External Funding Team/Funding News: Grants and funding – East Sussex County Council

Heritage Lottery Fund: Welcome | The National Lottery Heritage Fund (scroll to the bottom for the sign up option)

Locate East Sussex: Locate East Sussex (

Rural Services Network: Home Page – Rural Services Network (