Arts Council England has now published further guidance on applying to be a National Portfolio Organisation. They will be publishing full guidance for applicants in January 2022, before applications open 12pm (midday) on Monday 14 February 2022 until 12pm (midday) on Tuesday 26 April 2022.
Partner-Up Fund: Inspired by extraordinary collective responses to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the purpose of the fund is to support and empower high-impact arts collaborations for social change.
Two grants of up to £30,000 are available. Successful applicants also receive a programme of strategic support from Take Note. Applications will be accepted from groups of arts and non-arts organisations working together. The lead partner must be a registered UK charity or Community Interest Company. Funding is intended to support collaborative arts projects. The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 19th November 2021 (5pm). Email: applications@wetakenote.org
Collaborate – a new fund from the Centre for Cultural Value: Collaborate is a new fund from the Centre for Cultural Value (CfCV), to support the development of collaborative research projects between the cultural sector and academic researchers. There will be two rounds of funding, in autumn 2021 and autumn 2022, which will support around 15 projects with awards ranging from £5K – £20K.
The Whickers’ 2022 Film and TV Funding Award is awarded annually to an emerging filmmaker from anywhere in the world with the most promising pitch for a director-led documentary. The Whickers’ main award offers £100,000 to enable a project which deserves to be realised to reach as wide an audience as possible. A second award offering £15,000 to £20,000 will be granted to contribute to a film fund for a runner-up. The deadline for applications is 31 January 2022 (24:00 GMT). Email: info@whickersawards.com
Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s Teacher Development Fund is now open for applications. The Fund supports teachers and school leaders to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to deliver effective arts-based teaching and learning in the primary classroom. Partnerships between schools and arts/cultural organisations can apply for grants of up to £150,000. Lead applicants may be:
- Charities, community organisations, social enterprises and not-for-profits companies active in the arts
- Primary schools and academies operating in the state sector
All applications will be required to demonstrate that solid partnerships are in place. Each partnership must include one or more arts/cultural organisations. PHF expect that a minimum of five and a maximum of ten schools will be involved in each project, regardless of whether the lead applicant is either an arts/cultural organisation or a school. Each participating school should commit at least two teachers and one senior leader to the project, though flexibility can be offered to small, rural schools. To find more about the Fund and how to apply, the Foundation is running a webinar on 21st October at 4pm. Applications close on 23rd November at 12 noon. Tel: 020 7812 3300 Email: ela@phf.org.uk
Centre for Cultural Value: Covid-19: Changing Culture? online conference sharing and discussing insights from the national Covid-19 research programme undertaken in collaboration with the Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre (PEC) and Audience Agency takes place 17-18 November
People Place Power, the Creative People and Places conference is taking place online 7 – 9 December 2021. Created by the Creative People and Places National Peer Learning programme in partnership with Arts Council England, People Place Power explores themes such as; community led decision making, power sharing, place-making and future funding policy, from the perspective of practitioners and partners making work with, by and for local communities. Alongside examples from the Creative People and Places network there will be contributions from policymakers, strategists, activists, artists and participants who are thinking about ‘what next’ for co-creation. Creative People and Places brings together a multitude of sectors including; housing, health and wellbeing, social justice, local government, academia and volunteering, to create arts and culture opportunities in the country’s least engaged places. So, the conference discussions will be relevant to you whether you are engaged in the arts and cultural sector, health and well-being, community development, local government or academia, and are an artist, producer, practitioner, strategist, organisational leader, policy-maker or participant.
Creative Development Manager, Kirklees Council: As an Arts Council Priority Place, with big cultural regeneration ambitions, place-based initiatives attracting international partnerships and award winning projects, Kirklees Council is looking for a dynamic, visionary and collaborative leader to join the Culture & Tourism service as the lead for the Creative Development Team.
As Creative Development Manager you will draw on your extensive experience to oversee the cultural development, regeneration & public art programmes, events; and support for creative industry including business & skills programmes. The role will also support wider creative commissioning across the council including in relation to community regeneration, learning and health and well-being. Adept at working with partners and stakeholders, the successful candidate will develop initiatives to ensure culture plays an active role in meeting the Council’s outcomes and will be the lead for WOVEN in Kirklees, the biennial district wide textiles festival, and support the delivery of Year of Music 2023. You can find out more about the role, person specification and apply online here. Salary: £43,857 – £45,859 Closing date: 24 November 2021
Clore Leadership is seeking applications for the Emerging Leaders and Leadership Pulse 2022 residential programmes: deadline 23 November, 12 noon. Their Governance Now conference takes place 18-19 November.
Derby Theatre is hosting the second Culture Cares Conference on 16 November, in person and livestreamed online. The event brings the cultural and care sectors together for insightful and lively conversations, presentations and workshops about how arts and culture are making a positive impact and creating pathways in the lives of care-experienced young people.
The Family Arts Conference takes place online 16-17 November, exploring the value of family engagement and how to communicate that value to families, funders and the wider cultural sector.
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK Branch), in partnership with King’s College London, have opened applications for the second edition of the Award for Civic Arts Organisations. Building on the success of last year, the Award focusses on how arts organisations are changing and how they are now embedding learning into their future plans as they interpret what it means to take their civic role seriously. Offering one award of £100,000 and two of £25,000, the Award for Civic Arts Organisations will reward the outstanding practice of some organisations and encourage many others to rethink their own relationships with the communities they serve. Applications close on 22 November, 1 pm
The International Teaching Artist Collaborative invites you to join their next Zoom Think Tank hosted by Yvonne Wyroslawska on 23 November, 2 – 3.30 pm focused on mental health and wellbeing, and the role of teaching artistry.
ICAF (International Community Arts Festival) takes place from 29 March to 2 April 2022. Send in proposals via the application form for projects, talks, artists, organisations or anything else that you find fitting, to join the ICAF 2023 programme – and read the letter here first to help you gather inspiration and direction for your proposal. Deadline 28 November
Willingness to attend cultural events remains static: Initial findings from the September 2021 wave of the Cultural Participation Monitor looks at rising Covid-related concerns, the effects of working from home on cultural engagement, and the challenges festive shows may face this year. Read more here @The Audience Agency
Heritage at Risk: latest findings The Heritage at Risk Register for 2021 shows over 230 historic buildings and sites have been saved and brought back to life by councils, owners, charities and Historic England. However, 130 historic buildings and sites have been added to the register in the past year because of their deteriorating condition.
Understanding Thriving Communities The places where we live, work and spend time have an impact on our wellbeing. The Understanding Thriving Communities report from Whatworkswellbeing looks at what the evidence tells us about factors and interventions that influence a community’s capacity to thrive, including insight into where there are gaps in the evidence. It will help policy makers and practitioners begin to understand how all the individual/community/place factors interact and what we can expect to change with different projects.
The evidence around culture and young people’s mental health Since the Covid-19 pandemic there has been much attention on children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. But where do arts and cultural programmes fit into this picture? Take a look at the latest research digest from the Centre for Cultural Value on Young people’s mental health, which explores the evidence available around this key topic and provides a snapshot of the current thinking.
East Sussex Arts Partnership Funding Surgery: The Basics. A guide to how to make successful funding bids. Emma Dean from the East Sussex External Funding Team provided guidance to talk attendees through the foundation steps you need to take before you even begin to fill that form in. The link to the presentation can be found here. (Lottery Heritage Fund guidance will follow).
The Careers Hub would like to invite you to their upcoming live virtual event, Bring on the Champions! on Friday December 3rd from 9.30am to 10.30am to showcase and celebrate our Industry Champions and business partners, and share with you some of the fantastic work that they have been doing over the past eighteen months. This is an information session hosted by the Careers Hub to explain more about the various Careers Hub initiatives that employers can link in with education over, and hearing from a school, employer and student about the motivations and impact for linking in with the network and local businesses. We also have Frances from the Transform service speaking about their free offer to meet businesses and support with advice around upskilling staff, apprenticeships and the range of other government initiatives and funding available to support local businesses. If you would like to book a FREE place, please email enterprisecoordinator@eastsussex.gov.uk to be added to our event mailing list.
Cultural services – Learning through the pandemic: Arts Council England is seeking to capture lessons from your work supporting and engaging communities over the past 18 months. The findings will inform the creation of a set of practical resources intended to enable cultural organisations or individual practitioners to continue supporting their communities over the months ahead, reach new audiences, and consider how lessons from pandemic might be applied in the ‘new normal’. The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete here.
Sources of information (free to access):
Arts Council E-newsletter: https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/our-organisation/sign-our-email-updates (Oversight of Arts Council England COVID 19 response)
Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy: Subscribe to our mailing list | Cause4
Artswork: Our newsletters – Artswork
Artswork Alliance: https://us11.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=be42aac2260f50b9b3b3e9908&id=fcd9bae289
Arts Marketing Association: https://a-m-a.co.uk/team/newsletter/CultureHivemailingList.php
Centre for Sustainable Energy: Funding your project | Centre for Sustainable Energy (cse.org.uk)
Creative England: Creative England Creative England
Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre: Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre (pec.ac.uk)
Creative United newsletter: https://www.creativeunited.org.uk/contact/ (scroll to the bottom)
Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance: https://www.culturehealthandwellbeing.org.uk/
East Sussex Growth Hub: https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/business/eastsussex/organisations/
External Funding Team/Funding News: Grants and funding – East Sussex County Council
The Film and TV Charity Freelancer Wellbeing Hub.
Freelancers Make Theatre Work: Practical Resources – Freelancers make theatre work
Heritage Lottery Fund: Welcome | The National Lottery Heritage Fund (scroll to the bottom for the sign up option)
Julie’s Bicycle: https://juliesbicycle.com/
Locate East Sussex: Locate East Sussex (list-manage.com)
Rural Services Network: Home Page – Rural Services Network (rsnonline.org.uk)