
Dark Skies Education Resource

High Weald Star Stories: Orion the Hunter – YouTube

People have looked up at the stars for thousands of years and seen pictures and stories. The High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty has some of the darkest skies in the South East; now, light pollution threatens our wildlife and means we see fewer stars. Listen as our Education Officer Rachel tells the atmospheric story of Orion the Hunter, founded thousands of years ago in Greek mythology. You will hear the story of one of our most-loved constellations and learn how to help reduce light pollution, so we can all see the stories in the stars for centuries to come. Why not wrap up warm, stand outside and listen while looking up at the night sky?

Suitable for ages 7+ (references to hunting and death in Greek mythology).

This video is a KS2 resource from the High Weald Hero education programme:…​. Learn more about the Dark Skies of the High Weald AONB at:…

South Downs National Park is also running an exciting Dark Skies series of events Dark Skies Festival: Dark Skies Festival (

CPRE have also launched their Dark Skies count Dark skies – CPRE