
Funding opportunities (information from Wealden District Council)

Dear local organisation,


Please see below key funding opportunities currently open for your info, however I would strongly suggest taking a look at East Sussex 4 Community if you are actively looking for funding opportunities. A free-to-use funding website with information on grants, loans and other initiatives focusing on East Sussex area. Please take a look at this website as many funding pots are open until Friday 31st March.


You can also sign up to East Sussex County Council’s monthly funding newsletter:


To note, this email has been sent to all contacts on WDC’s funding database.


If there’s anything else you wish to discuss please feel free to contact me on the details below.



Wealden Community Lottery

Ticket sales for Wealden’s first Community Lottery is now live!

The Wealden Community Lottery offers an additional method of raising funds for local organisations that give so much to the community. Organisations who deliver activities and services for the Wealden Community can sign up to the Wealden Community Lottery.

A generous 50% of the ticket proceeds from the Wealden lottery will go to charities, voluntary organisations, sports clubs, parish councils, residents associations and other not-for-profit groups with the remainder being put towards a central fund, prizes, operating costs and VAT. Tickets will cost £1.


So far we have already sold 900 tickets in 13 days and currently have 47 organisations raising money through the local lottery. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to raise funds.


Wealden’s Community Lottery website is live:


Opportunity to raise funds for your local organisation with Wealden Community Lottery

  • Join over 40 good causes in our area raising funds every month with Wealden Community Lottery.
  • It’s FREE for your organisation to join and you receive 50p from every ticket you sell via your page on our website.
  • Each ticket costs £1 a week and the draw takes place every Saturday at 8 pm.
  • All you need to do is market the lottery to your supporters. You’ll even be provided with marketing materials to help get you started.
  • Applying is easy – it’s all done online and takes a few minutes.
  • Full terms and conditions are on our website.


First draw will commence on Saturday 25th March – To celebrate the launch of Wealden’s Community Lottery, anyone with a ticket in our first draw will automatically be in with a chance of winning an Apple iPad. The winner of the special first draw bonus prize will be announced at the first live draw.



Crowdfunder gives local organisations the opportunity to raise money and potentially match fund against external funding pots in just 6 weeks. Pots to match fund against through Crowdfunder currently includes:

  • ‘Co-op Warm Spaces Funding Boost – Supporting projects who are bringing communities together into warm spaces  (max £5,000).
  • Aviva Community Fund – Supporting projects that boost the resilience of communities (Max £50,000).
  • Mortgage Advice Bureau Foundation – Get up to £5,000 for your sustainable community based project.
  • Sport England: Active Together – Funding for keeping communities physically active (max £10,000).
  • Sport England: Places & Spaces – Up to £10,000 to improve your Place or Space and keep your community physically active.
  • Crowdfund East Sussex – East Sussex County Council’s most recent campaign is supporting six projects. They are crowdfunding to make a variety of positive change in East Sussex. These projects need your help, so have a look at what they are aiming to achieve, donate, and share to show your support to these great projects!


For further information, feel free to contact Kat Jenner on or to sign up on one of the hourly introduction sessions to crowdfunder–london/crowdfunder/?page=1

Crowdfunder website:


Gatwick Airport Community Trust Fund

The 2023 deadline is 31 March 2023.


Grants are available to charitable organisations in specified areas directly affected by operations at Gatwick Airport. Support is given to projects which protect and enhance the social and environmental wellbeing of the community.

Current Status

Open for Applications

Maximum value:

£ 5,000

Objectives of Fund

The Trust was set up to ensure that funds generated by the existence of the airport are directed back into the community that is affected by the airport.  Funding will support many aspects of community life and diverse sections of the community.

Value Notes

The normal level of grant is between £1,000 and £5,000.

The minimum grant is £250. Occasional larger grants may be considered if the impact is targeted to benefit a significant number of people and is considered to make a valuable and noticeable difference longer term. Applicants should seek advice from the Trust before applying for a larger grant.

For further information:


Launch of Health Inequalities Small Grants Funding Programme for community engagement

The deadline for submitting an expression of interest will be 09:00 on Monday 8 May.

How can I apply for this funding?

We will be emailing out expression of interest forms following the last event, during week commencing 27th March.

How much funding is available?

In this funding round, we will be allocating grants of up to £15,000 for a period of one year – July 2023 to June 2024.

Details of the funding

With this funding, we want to further develop our work to reach and hear from those groups and communities that are most affected by health inequalities. Health inequalities are those unjust and avoidable differences that we know exist in terms of access to health and care services, experiences of health and care, and wider health outcomes, such as how long people live and how many years they live in good health. As our trusted intermediaries, we are looking for VCSE organisations who have reach into some of the marginalised communities listed below, or who can work in partnership with others to develop ways of reaching and hearing from these groups.


The groups and communities we specifically want to reach and hear from are listed below.

Communities living in

  • geographical areas in Sussex falling within the 20% most deprived in the country
  • pockets of deprivation in other parts of Sussex
  • rural communities who may be isolated or have pockets of deprivation
AND/OR groups and communities with one or more of the following protected characteristics
Sexual orientation


Gender reassignment

– Trans people


Refugees, migrants, asylum seekers

-Black and minority ethnic groups with specific needs ie for whom English is a second language, or who have particular health conditions or risks of health conditions.
-Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
-Adults with learning disabilities

-Adults with sensory disabilities

-People with multiple long term health conditions

-Adults with serious mental illness (SMI) such as bipolar or schizophrenia

AND/OR ‘Inclusion health’/vulnerable groups and communities
Those who are homeless, including rough sleepers, those living in temporary accommodation or otherwise insecurely housed
Unpaid carers (including parent carers)
Sex workers
Survivors of domestic abuse


Details of launch events

You do not need to have attended an event to put in an expression of interest, but this may help you decide whether to apply and allow you to ask questions. Please note, you only need to attend one of these events, and you do not necessarily need to attend the event in the location in which your organisation is based! All events will take the same format. There will be networking opportunities half an hour before and after the stated times below.

East Sussex Broomgrove Community Centre, 85 Chiltern Dr, Hastings TN34 3PY Wednesday

22nd March

10am til 12pm

Virtual Q and A event

We are also providing a shorter virtual session on Thursday 23rd March, 9.30 am til 10.30 am, for those unable to make any of the above events who is thinking of applying.


N+P in East Sussex Fund

The latest funding round is open until 31 March 2023. Applications received by then will be considered by the Board in late April. Complete the funding application form and email it to

Recycling company N&P Crayford MRF Ltd and East Sussex County Council are calling for grant applications. The N+P in East Sussex Fund has £32,646 to donate to community projects.

Application Criteria

We will consider applications based on the following criteria:

  • environmental sustainability
  • community involvement
  • local need
  • value for money
  • maximum £5,000

Successful applications will be those which show:

  • community participation and benefit
  • social inclusion and breadth of engagement
  • a strong benefit for the area through jobs, training, and skills.

For further information and for application:


£10m Energy and Climate Programme from National Lottery Community Fund

Stage 1 applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

As part of its wider commitment to supporting climate action, National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF) is delivering a new grant scheme which focuses on community energy projects across the UK.

There is a total funding pot of £10 million, which includes £1.5 million for a Learning Network. More information on this is expected in April 2023.

The Fund offers grants of £500,000 to £1.5 million over two to five years for place-based partnerships, UK-wide partnerships or single voluntary and community organisations.


Projects are required to do at least one of the following:

Encourage people and communities to use energy in an environmentally friendly way.

Bring communities together so that they can explore ways to promote energy efficiency.

Enable communities to understand and engage with opportunities for clean energy generation, which do not use fossil fuels.

Grants can be used on project costs, revenue costs and some capital costs. It is expected that most funding will be for revenue.


There will online information sessions for interested applicants in the coming months. The link to register can be found on the NLCF website:


Deadline Approaching for Eurovision 2023 and King’s Coronation Funding

The deadline for Coronation or Eurovision funding is 24 March 2023 (midnight).

Groups have two weeks left to apply to the National Lottery Awards for All programme if they are seeking funding to celebrate the Coronation (5 to 8 May 2023) or Eurovision (9 to 13 May 2023) in England.

To be eligible for funding, projects must adhere to the Fund’s usual guidance and:

Involve people and communities from the start.

Build on people’s strengths.

Be connected in their community.

Applications are accepted from voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations, schools, and statutory bodies such as local authorities and town councils.

The programme offers grants of £300 to £10,000 for up to one year.

Grants can be used to cover a variety of costs including equipment, staff costs, transport, running costs and volunteer expenses.


Magic Little Grants

Applications will be accepted from 1 March to 31 Oct 2023

Smaller charities and community groups across Great Britain can apply for one-off £500 grants.

The funding is for projects that fall within one of the following themes:

Providing support to improve mental health.

Enabling participation in physical activity.

Enabling participation in the arts.

Preventing or reducing the impact of poverty.

Supporting marginalised groups and tackling inequality.

Improving biodiversity and responding to the climate emergency.

Improving green spaces and increasing access to the outdoors.

Funding can be used to launch new projects, support existing ones, or cover core costs associated with ongoing work. Successful applicants can expect to hear the outcome within six weeks.!N76435?bcr=MTIzNw


National Citizens Service (NCS) – Open to All Grants

Grants are available to local organisations delivering community-based experiences at a grassroots level for young people in England.

Current Status: Applications will be accepted from 13 February 2023 (11am) until they close on 20 March 2023 (9am).

Maximum value: Discretionary


Who Can Apply:

Applications will be considered from the following types of organisations:


Community Interest Company (CIC)

Voluntary or community group/organisation

Registered charity


Local authority

Charity Incorporated Organisations (CIO)


Eligible Expenditure

The funding can be used for core costs, eg, staff costs, central management, venue costs.

The funding is intended for projects for young people that meet all of the following objectives:

Develop life skills and support independent living

Build employability and work-readiness

Provide opportunities for volunteering and social action

Enable social mixing of young people from all backgrounds!S49746?bcr=MTIzOQ


Launch of £32m Heat Network Efficiency Scheme for England and Wales

The scheme will run multiple funding rounds, which will take place approximately bi-monthly. The deadline for Round 1 is 31 March 2023.

The Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES) provides funding to support improvements to existing district heating or communal heating projects that are operating sub-optimally and resulting in poor outcomes for customers and operators.


Heat networks offer carbon emissions savings by supplying heat to buildings from a central source, avoiding the need for households and workplaces to rely on individual, energy-intensive heating solutions – such as gas boilers. As such, heat networks provide a significant contribution to the UK’s carbon reduction commitment.


HNES has an overall budget of £32 million, which will be distributed through capital and revenue grants. There is no upper or lower limit for capital grants, and up to 50% of eligible projects costs can be funded. Revenue grants will typically be in the range of £15,000 to £24,000 per project, covering up to 100% of eligible costs.

Grants are available for organisations operating across the public, private and third sectors in England and Wales for upgrading existing heat networks to reduce emissions and energy costs.


Sports England – Small Grants Programme

The closing date for applications to the programme is 30 June.

Small Grants Programme returns with awards of between £300 – £15,000.

Our Small Grants Programme can now give 50% larger awards to help communities get active after the maximum grant amount was increased to £15,000 for 2023 (was previously £10,000)

The Small Grants Programme was put on hold for a year in 2022 as we launched the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Activity Fund, which was designed to bring communities together through activity.


We believe that communities that work together and share resources provide a stronger and more sustainable impact.

So, the programme will also prioritise projects that focus on environmental sustainability, can demonstrate how they connect with their communities, provide the biggest possible impact to those who need it most and are working with people living in areas of disadvantage.

Applications can be made for awards of between £300 and £15,000, with multiple applications permitted but organisations can only have awards totalling £15,000 or less in any 12-month period.

Only not-for-profit organisations are eligible for the programme and applications should explain the need for the project as well as how end users have been involved in its development.


Sussex Community Foundation – General Awards

Our General Awards are open to applications. We have three main rounds of grant-giving each year. Upcoming deadlines for applications (unless specified otherwise) is 5:00pm (1700 hours) as follows:

Friday 5th May 2023 (Decisions July 2023)

Friday 8th September 2023 (Decisions November 2023)

Our grants programme is made up of a range of funds which help to address disadvantage and deprivation and build resilience in Sussex communities. Grants of up to £10,000 are available. We are particularly keen to support grassroots community groups and small-to-medium sized voluntary organisations. Please note our general funds cannot support small contributions to large capital appeals or campaigns. General round grants are available to cover a range of core and project costs including support for work planned in response to the pandemic.


Awards for All

Application deadline: Ongoing

Awards for All funding from the National Lottery, which gives out awards from £300 upwards:

In order to support communities, we fund projects and organisations which aim to:

  • build strong relationships in and across communities
  • improve the places and spaces that matter to communities
  • help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage.


In addition to meeting one or more of the above funding priorities we are also able to fund projects that

  • support people, communities and organisations that are facing increased demands and challenges as a direct result of the cost-of-living crisis.


Funding size – £300 to £10,000, for up to one year


The Homity Trust is a small and approachable Brighton based charity. We give modest awards to registered community causes working across Sussex, helping those suffering financial hardship, and where the funds will make a significant difference.


Our current funding round is the Spring one, application deadline 31st March 2023, using the form on this site. We are particularly open to applications from organisations helping those most affected by the general increasing cost of living and ongoing energy crisis.


Village Hall Funding:

Please see below list of funding opportunities for village halls, community buildings:


Garfield Weston Foundation:

Grants are available to charitable organisations in the UK for a wide range of projects in the areas of welfare, youth, community, arts, faith, environment, education, health, and museums and heritage.

Current Status: Open for Applications

Maximum value: Discretionary


Biffa Award – Community Buildings

Description: Grants are available for not-for-profit organisations to provide and improve community buildings that are located within the vicinity of a Biffa Operation or Biffa Landfill site in order to ‘act as mechanisms’ for community involvement.

Current Status: Open for Applications

Maximum value: £ 75,000

Objectives of Fund

The Biffa Award Community Buildings theme provides grants to improve community buildings such as village halls, community centres and church halls within five miles of a significant Biffa Operation or within 10 miles of an active Biffa Landfill site with the aim of encouraging and enhancing community involvement.


SUEZ Communities Trust Landfill Communities Fund – Primary Fund (England)

Next Deadline: 31 May for a decision by early August.


Grants are available to non-profit making organisations in qualifying areas of England for improvements to local community facilities, historic buildings and structures, sport and recreation facilities.

Current Status: Open for Applications

Maximum value: £ 50,000

Objectives of Fund: The LCF Primary Fund Programme supports capital improvement works to public amenity projects for community use


Veolia Environmental Trust

The next application windows is 25 May 2023 (noon) to 22 June 2023 (noon) with a decision by 5 September 2023.

Description: Grants for constituted, not-for-profit organisations and local authorities for projects that make improvements to community facilities and the natural environment that are located near a qualifying Veolia site in England.

Current Status: Future

Maximum value: £ 75,000

Objectives of Fund

The Trust currently offers three grant schemes:

  • Community Grants are for constituted, not-for-profit organisations and local authorities to create or improve community buildings or outside spaces for the benefit of the community.
  • Environmental Improvement Grants are for Environmental Bodies that are enrolled with ENTRUST, the regulator of The Landfill Communities Fund, and are a registered charity. Grants are available to enable landscape scale improvement projects such as habitat creation/management, and/or species protection.
  • Habitat and Biodiversity Grants are for constituted, not-for-profit organisations that are enrolled with ENTRUST to support structural improvements to a single habitat, such as a waterway, woodland, or nature reserve.


Thank you.



Kat Jenner, Partnership and Funding Support Officer